As the title said for many guys the patch did not work so i just uploaded the whole version 0.17_1.
Patch for version 0.17 to 0.17_1
A little patch for you to fix some issues with the story and stuff…
version 0.17 to 0.17_1
– Fixed some minor issues with the story
– Added : you can now Ask Aemi to wear her BDSM suit again (only if she is aroused)
– Added : Start game button if you are not able to use the Mesh buttons at the start of the game
Released Version 0.17
This is the mini free roaming update after you have captured the laboratory section with Aemi.
I hope i ironed the most heavy bugs out but i belive you will find plenty of them ^_^
The current changes so far :
Change log : 0.15 to 0.17
– added about 2000 VN frames (generic mostly)
– added chastity clothes for Vivian and Aemi
– added Mini Free roaming mode
– added a placeable lightsource (Placeable only in a limited area)
– added a placeable machine to use for Aemi and Vivian (Placeable only in a limited area)
– added a placeable pokertable to play with Aemi and Vivian (Placeable only in a limited area)
– added a runtime spellcorrection system (This feature can be turned off/on) (Press F3 and change text manually -> all changes will be saved in a textfield called SPELLCORRECTION.txt)
– added a menu to turn on/off the player headbob while walking
– added a menu to avoid text completition on second click.
– show Aroused debug value for NPC with F4
– toggle main gui with page down and page up buttons on keyboard
If you want to play with Vivian and Aemi you need to get them into the mood by providing them some… clothes and tools so their bodys are getting more aroused.
Download Mega : Download
Download Google Drive : Download
…and since many people asked where my Patreon page is… i created one now : my patreon page
Too much spam.. srsly…
Deactivated (Needs moderation setting) the comments for now becasue.. so much spam.. oh my god..
For my game : I currently work on the Poker game but this could take a while longer since i code this from scratch because it needs a special implementation into my VN framework.
Released Version 0.15
Okay this one is just a bit story progression.
Download link : Download v 0.15
Download link : Google drive
change log : 0.12 to 0.15
– added about 500 VN frames (story stuff)
– added some more clothings for Aemi
– fixed : if minihack game will be done two times in one run
– fixed : some technical things xD
I deactivated the free romaing mode for now because Aemi would be the only one you can talk with (currently )
And i have to add more stuff and… yes.. add things xD
Annnddd… very important -> The RAM usage is.. autsch.. > 5 Gb so you should consider to use the half texture resolution mode for the game.
Still working on a update
I am still working on a update so i can relase a new version(hopefully) in april.
Some things i *want* to include :
– story progression
– 2 new minigames (skippable with ctrl+W if you are annoyed from these)
– some devices/clothes for the girls for you to find in the free roamingmode betwen the missons (i played too much devious devices.. srsly..)
Version 0.12 ready to download
Uploaded version 0.12
changes :
– i think i have found the reason why objects did not appear anymore and got rid of it.. at least i hope so. (need a confirmation xD)
– A bit story progression and one optional lewd scene with Aemi and a optional scene with Vivian
– changed a bit technically stuff-
+ i left you a savegame from the end of version 0.10 so you can just play from this savegame on.
(pleae do not use old savegames since there are missing the whole fight variables)
Download here :Link to the project page
Hello world
My first test Entry.